DIY Hair Fascinator for Prom


It's prom time!  I secretly wish I could wear this little number.  Anyone else?  My studio is a few doors down from Ellen's dress shop.  I've been enjoying their ever changing windows with all the different prom dresses, picking my favorite.  Naturally I start thinking about accessories for these dresses (and my prom days, waiting for Seventeen magazine's special issue on the subject).   My gram always made my flowers.  My inner 17 year old self would have to have a foo foo hair fascinator this year.  They are easy to make with a few supplies.  Keep it simple or funky, embracing indivdual style.


You need: a cloth headband, big flower, feathers, a stem of sparkle stones, wire cutters, scissors, hot glue, basically.  Just walk around the craft store, you'll find some fun stuff!


Arrange your pieces on the head band and hot glue as you go.  It helps to work in front of a mirror so you can get an idea of where the pieces will actually be.


And there you go, Buttercup!


The sparkle stem is from Hobby Lobby by Prima and the silk flower is from JoAnn's by Plaid Enterprises.  (Cue Footloose soundtrack)

Easter Eggs and Chocolate Chip Cookies

BunnyEaster is in full bloom here at the cabin.  I wanted to show you a few egg ideas and share an awesome cookie recipe.  First up on the left are some little bird eggs my mom made with her library club at school a few years ago.  The pattern can be found on Martha's website.

Painted eggsNext we have some painted eggs with Folk Art paints and scrapbook embellishments that are super easy and fast to whip up for a last minute Easter craft get-together or gifties.  I've got a guest blog post on them over at the Paint Me Plaid blog.

Peanut butter choc chip oatmealThird, is a link to the best chocolate chip cookie I've had in a long time.  We had dinner with friends last week and I was in charge of a veg and dessert.  It was one of those days where the idea of going to the grocery store after work sounded about as fun as clipping Rocker's toe nails.  Ok, sorry.  That wasn't nice to bring up in the company of food, but….you get my point.  I mentally scavenged through the cabinets. I was so happy when I realized there were sweet potatoes waiting to be french fries and a bag of chocolate chips.  I was determined (and que Eye of the Tiger).  She shoots…….and scores!   Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Oatmeal cookies, everbody!  Woot woot!  Share the love.

Eggs by jeanLastly, are some more eggs my momma, Jean, made back in the day.  I love the simplicity of them.  Color the eggs, Mod Podge a pretty image (check out Dover clip art books for images) and then glue a piece of velvet ribbon around the edge.  These were ornaments once upon a time, but I like them nestled in a basket on the dresser.  Sweet.  Just like Jean.

Valentine Cookies and Painted Plates

2012 invite 21

 There's a lotta love in the air around here.  I hope you're feeling it wherever you are.  If you're local, come play with me at the annual Women's Lunch sponsored by the Wabash County Hospital.  It's an honor to be the featured lecturer.  Thank you, WCH!  


 Also, I was just chatting with my gram about baking.  We really want this book.   Gram's theory is that if you make 2 recipes out of it—it's worth it.  Not sure where she gets her numbers, but I like the philosophy.  Until it comes, here's a link to gram's sugar cookie recipe-just in time for weekend baking.  And hey, if you want to get really crazy, how about letting the kids paint a plate for the cookies–check out my easy painted plate tutorial here!



Glow in the Dark Halloween Craft


(Picture me with a flash light under my chin in the dark)  Oooooooooooo, there are tons and tons of inexpensive Halloween wood surfaces at the craft stores right now!

Grab some creepy green paint and glow in the dark Mod Podge or Glow Away and let the kids go to town!  

Happy Weekend Crafting!

Acorn Clothespin Fairies


Hello there!  We're Ginger and Bobby, friends of Candie's.  She asked us to pop by and tell you she's still writing her new jewelry making book for Lark Books.  We've seen the projects for it.  We're a little biased, but they are pretty great! 

Let us entertain you with our moves from Acorn du Cirque until she comes back.

By the way, Candie and her Mom, Jean, made us for the Plaid Kids Blog.  If you want to make some friends of your own, check out the Acorn Fairies tutorial there.

Nesting Boxes

This is a little project my mom and I whipped up for the Plaid Kids Blog.  I love them.  Check out the tutorial here.  I'm still writing, writing, writing for my book with Lark Books.  My classes at Manchester College started too.  Lots of neat projects in the works and I'm so happy to be busy with my art and work.  Am I rich monetarily?  No.  But, I have a pedal to the metal on life, and stopping to smell the roses with friends and family.  How awesome is that?

Felting Workshop

Candie Cooper - Wet Felting 2 001

I started felting back in 2004 focusing mainly on jewelry.  However, the past two Monday nights I've been teaching how to make a flat fiber collage using wool, water, soap and some found materials.  The workshops were at the Honeywell Center.  It's been a blast and the class participants have been awesome!  I heard so many of them say, "this is fun!"  It is fun to make sudsy messes and end up with art.  More playing equals less stress—all you have to do is find the time, right?


I brought in a bag of wool in all different colors.  I loved watching people hunt and peck through it.


The next step is to lay out your wool design.  It's really an easy project.  Last year I taught around 700 kids, ages 3rd grade through high school, how to felt through my artist in residency programs at the Honeywell Center.  We talked about what an ancient process it is and how they found felt on mummies and such.  Kids love it.

Candie Cooper - Wet Felt 017

I added a little warm water and soap and away they went agitating…









LAUGH with your friends, new and old, while you create….and then go home.  It makes me happy to see them happy!