Well, here we are…. Welcome & make yourself comfy because this is where I’ll be posting from now on.
First off, a (big) THANK YOU to my pal, Krissy, for a job well done on the banner. It fits me well as I always have a lot of odds and ends laying on my work table. And a second (big) THANK YOU to my husband, Butch, for thinking up The Savvy Crafter. Another good fit for me because my designs have often been described as clever. It’s also no secret that since I moved here to the East, I’ve had to become pretty savvy on what materials I use in my designs. It’s not so easy to get to the crafty super-stores anymore. Sob, sniff. Ok, enough.
Thanks always for checking in and feel free to drop me a line in the comments. š c
Congrats on the new site. It looks nice. I love the orange. So, does this mean we’ll be reading more from you? No pressure or anything.
Congrats on your new home!!! I’ll be dropping by as often as possible. ^o^
Congratulation on your new nest. The new banner looks gorgeous, especially the fortune cookie ;o)
I have been reading your (other) blog for such a long time . . . and getting lots of inspiration from it. Your pictures are always so pretty, they show the essence of your work and everyday joys. I love reading your outlook on Asian life through the eyes of an American. Pointing out those little quirks and differences . . . It is always a pleasure to stop at your site and read what you have been up to. Keep up the lovely posts.
I can’t believe I found you again. Of course you’re famous now! Congratulations on the book. The cover work is incredible. I hope I can find it at the book store so I can see the rest of it. Write when you can so we can catch up.