Swan Link(s)….


I awoke to an email with this picture from my parent’s neighbor John.  Thank You John!  My parents live just two houses down and every year these swans come around daily, knocking on cottage doors for bread.  Ok, they don’t have to knock.  Are there one or two swan families this year, John?  We usually have a North and South clan…rivals, of course.  We’ve seen a few gang fights take place out on the middle of the lake too, staking territory.  Oh, I could go for a cup of coffee on Mom and Dad’s deck this morning.  We’ve solved more than a few of the world’s troubles looking at that lake and those trees over there….missing you guys today.

About.com Jewelry Making
Wire is a great medium for jewelry making, and with this new DVD review you can findout how you can turn straight wire into super cool bangle bracelets.

Art Bead Scene
Obessing over details leads Cindy Gimbrone to revise her MF Bird. No, she’s not frustrated she means Modern Folk Bird.

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See the first ceramic beads Jennifer made.

Jewelry & Beading
What to do with those odd-shaped treasures you pick up on vacation this summer!

Katie’s Beading Blog
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Naughty Secretary Club
So many social networking web sites and so little time. Find out how Jen utilizes websites like My Space, Indie Public, Twitter and more to help promote her jewelry business Naughty Secretary Club and spread the crafty gospel.

Check out what blingy wonders Robin’s been beading while recovering from her knee surgery!

Savvy Crafter
Need a card for your favorite beader? Candie may have just the thing!

Snap out of it Jean! There’s beading to be done!
Margot will be posting in a cool crafting group but still visiting here. When I get the url, I will post it for that group. Until then, check out this repost of her fantastic pocketbook which I adore and treasure she made me!


  1. JOHN&RITA says

    Hi C&B&R
    Onley one pair of birds this
    year so no fighting
    cold here low 40’s at night
    more pics on my space
    Be Safe
    John and Rita
    Big Silver

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