Beadalon Tent Sale and Classes

Candie CooperJoin me Pennsylvania friends at the Beadalon fest tent show and classes!  Candie Cooper Jewelry for  I’m teaching this class that features Beadalon‘s tassel maker and findings on  Sept. 19th at 2pm in Westchester, PA.  Want to sign up?

Email salesATbeadalonDOTcom to sign up. Cost is $25 (amazing right?!?).

You’ll learn how to make fantastic tassels and basic stringing techniques and leave with a layered necklace and matching bracelet featuring Jesse James Beads!

It’s going to be a ton of fun as I am joined by Katie Hacker, Wyatt White, Sandra Lupo and Sarah Ellis.  Let’s get this party started!!

I can’t wait.  Here’s the skinny on the rest of the sale:Beadalon Tent Sale

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