True Confessions…

from a former garage band girl…

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One of my favorite things about Rocker is his silhouette.  Tonight, when we were out for our walk, there were street lamps shining on our backs creating ultra bold shapes on this shed of a canvas or canvas of a shed..  So we did an immediate U turn back for the camera.  This is Rocker and Candie's the Scream.  Rocker's idea.

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Photoshop.  What would we do without it?  Anyway, true confessions….I used to be in a garage band back in high school.  The Worms.  That was the name of our band.  I played the bass guitar.   Since moving back to Wabash, affectionately called, The Bash, I've seen a couple of old members.  But tonight, I got a random call, totally out of the blue from one of my old buddies who was also in the band. He's been living in Germany the past 5 years and it was so neat to catch up and talk about living abroad.  I haven't seen him in over 10 years so this was pretty surreal.  Thank you Nate-Dog for calling.  And thanks everyone for the loving emails and comments.  XX.

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