Green Tea Muffins…

Stuff 1952 (Small) 

It's been a bittersweet past few days—my project review for the book was a smash, phone calls and emails with friends, organizing classes for later this fall, things are really moving and I don't want to take it for granted.  On the other hand, my dad is sick and it seems to have gotten worse the past few days, so that's weighing heavy on my mind.  Could you send some good healing energy his way?  Thanks in advance.

Two nights ago, I made a batch of soup and some  Green Tea muffins to go with it.  I've been wanting to try these for oh, say, three years now!  Katie picked me up some "matcha" (green tea powder) the other day at the international grocery store  Love the intense green color!

Stuff 1965 (Small)

Ok, got a little carried away with the "green." I first tried green tea muffins in China (even though I think it's a Japanese thing).  It was out in Changshu at a Kenny Roger's Roasters restaurantt (very random), believe it or not!  Of course the restaurant closed down not too long after we got there.  So I've pretty much been hungry for them since…

Stuff 1997 (Small) 

Could not resist this cutie plate at the dollar store!  I found the recipe by googling "green tea muffin recipe".  Thank you Collection of Words for posting this great recipe.  I didn't have hazelnuts, but they still were awesome.  I'm making another batch in the morning to take out to a friends house for lunch.  Looking forward to that!


  1. yeah! glad you liked them. 🙂

  2. oh those look yummy!!! I’ll be right over! LOL

  3. those look very interesting and I have the tea!! Hummmmmm , may be an afternoon treat!

  4. glad I came across this site good read. bookmarked.

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