
Hello!  Well.  Here we are!  Safe and sound!  I’m sooooo sorry for falling off the planet the last week.  Good gravy, we’ve been running around!  We made it into town Sunday afternoon.  It was crazy getting out of China with our dog.  We had to have two men escort us to the airport to make sure Rocker didn’t touch Hong Kong soil.  We were then escorted onto the plane (United was fabulous btw) and we tucked Rocker down under the seat.  He was in his little Sherpa bag from 8:30am EST to 4:30pm EST!!!  And he didn’t make one mess or a peep!  I was so proud of him.  I don’t want to sound crazy, but it’s like he “knew”–we all had to just suck it up and do it!  Then we made it to America and the quarentine people stamped our papers and we were free to leave.  Snap!  Just like that he’s Chinese-American.  He still can’t get over the idea of ‘back yards’ after living in our high rise apartment.  In the two days I had before leaving for CHA in Chicago, I rented an apartment, bought a car, and got a cell phone.  CHA was great!  Lots of neat people to tell you about.  The past two days I’ve been unpacking my suitcases.  Lots and lots of organizing (the absolute worse thing about moving).  Other than that, we’ve been enjoying walks on the river walk and getting settled back into America.  Life is sweet.  Lots of work to do, but it’s great to be home!  Thank you everyone for all your positive thoughts and prayers for our safe trip home with Rocky.  It worked!  Hugs to you all!  Stay tuned for pictures of the tractor show going on down the street.  We were walking through the park looking at all these old machines—then Butch said, I wonder what our Chinese friends would think of all this.  A whole new perspective begins….


  1. I did miss your blog…welcome welcome…and I can’t wait to hear more once you settle in!

  2. Welcome home! It must feel so strange to resituate, but I hope it goes smoothly.
    Yay Rocker for being such a good buddy!
    So I can really count on seeing you live and in person sometime soon, now that you’re back on US soil!

  3. I’m so glad to hear you are all home safe and sound. I’ve been checking and kept seeing that dang suitcase! Keep us posted on your baby.

  4. Candie,
    I’m so glad to hear that you and the Rock made it home! Give me a call sometime so we can catch up. Take care & have some fun!

  5. Phew! It sounds like your move went well…. yay!! Happy summer!! xoxo

  6. So glad to see you made it home safely!! Looks like I have some catch up reading to do as my ‘puter was on the fritz! Welcome back!!

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