Crafting by Candlelight…


Last night we watched movies and I crafted by candle and Christmas tree light.  It was so enjoyable.  I was needle felting and I feel I should mention that if it’s your first time trying the sport I don’t recommend doing it in the dark especially while watching TV.  I stabbed myself about 10 times. Thank you Tetanus shot. 


We watched the first Harry Potter and Christmas in Connecticut.  Christmas in Connecticut is a sweet old movie my friend loaned me before she left starring Barbara Stanwyck.  This was the original released in 1945, but I saw on IMBD that there was a re-make directed by Arnie Schwarzenegger in 92.  I also saw where they are planning to release another re-make in 2009, but that was all the details.  If you like charming, black and white movies add it to your Netflix list.  Or if you live in the States, it’s probably been shown on the classic movie station six times by now.  For those of you who have seen it, I thought Uncle Felix was hilarious and I could only dream of putting that much tinsel on a tree. 


  1. Thanks for the holiday movie recommendation, hopefully the library has it.
    Merry Christmas!!!

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